X-Spam-Level: - The cumulative score represented by a count of asterisks.X-Spam-Flag: - YES, or NO to indicate if the message is spam.X-Spam-Status: - The cumulative score (hits), the threshold value 'required', and all positively evaluated rules with their associated values 'tests'.
Kerio Connect inserts this value as a score into the headers of the message.
SpamAssassin evaluates the message against its rules and assigns a numeric value to the message. Kerio Connect passes the content of messages to SpamAssassin. Modification to the rules is not recommended. The rules are located in the SpamAssassin folder of the mailserver directory. SpamAssassin includes a preconfigured set of static rules that update with specific releases of Kerio Connect. SpamAssassin provides three layers of spam protection: This article describes in more detail the anti-spam features and outlines the implications of each feature. For a general overview of each feature, refer to configuring spam control in Kerio Connect. Kerio Connect provides multiple features to prevent spam.